

The Lead-up to WWII and Japan's Role
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1:12:29 - 1:17:45 (05:15)

This podcast episode provides a detailed account of the sequence of events leading up to WWII, including the fall of France and the invasion of Poland. It also delves into Japan's motivations for war and their dependence on other countries for resources.

The invasion of Poland triggered the start of World War II, followed by the invasion of Denmark and Norway by Germany.
1:12:29 - 1:14:39 (02:10)
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World War II

The invasion of Poland triggered the start of World War II, followed by the invasion of Denmark and Norway by Germany. In May 1940, the phony war ends and Germany invades France, which was considered the strongest land power in the world at the time.

The Lead-up to WWII and Japan's Role
Show 63 - Supernova in the East II
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
France's quick defeat in World War II was incredibly shocking, especially considering their successful defense against the German army in World War I just 20 years earlier.
1:14:39 - 1:16:01 (01:21)
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World War II

France's quick defeat in World War II was incredibly shocking, especially considering their successful defense against the German army in World War I just 20 years earlier. The defeat not only affected France, but also led to vulnerability of other valuable areas controlled by the Dutch and British, and was strategic for Japan's conquest plans.

The Lead-up to WWII and Japan's Role
Show 63 - Supernova in the East II
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Understanding the motive behind war requires understanding the concept of self-sufficiency or autarky, which provides a certain degree of immunity to other countries' economic pressures.
1:16:01 - 1:17:45 (01:43)
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Understanding the motive behind war requires understanding the concept of self-sufficiency or autarky, which provides a certain degree of immunity to other countries' economic pressures. Countries like Germany and Japan sought self-sufficiency to withstand the economic pressures imposed on them by other countries and ultimately pursue their own goals and interests.

The Lead-up to WWII and Japan's Role
Show 63 - Supernova in the East II
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History