The conditioning of audiences to accept certain conventions within film and the removal of reality can make them vulnerable to manipulation, ultimately affecting their perception of reality.
A famous director's storytelling abilities were praised for being amazing, even though some people thought a Twitter thread was going to flop due to nothing happening quickly.
The speaker shares their opinion on the controversial movie "Judas and the Black Messiah", stating that it elevated Black culture but damaged Jewish culture, and points out a damning comment made in the film.
Filmmaker Randall Emmett is being accused of not paying back a $50,000 debt and instead, starting to film other movies despite the claim. There are reports that he has been showing up to movie sets without permission from the director Ives.
Two speakers discuss their favorite moments from the film "Casino Royale" including the intense scene of making a bomb and the action-packed sequences featuring Daniel Craig as the lead.
Tippi Hedren, the star of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds," shares her experience filming the iconic bird attack scene and how she was surprised to find out that real birds were being used instead of mechanical ones.
A person reflects on how they identified with a character in the movie "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" while out on bike rides or walking, and how the movie changed how people saw each other.
The speaker discusses difficulty measuring depth accurately and briefly touches on science fiction, dramas, and comedies as films to watch.
A speaker discusses how they transitioned from pursuing ceramics as a career to discovering the power of film in reflecting on human culture and societal issues.
The hosts talk about the original movie "Rec" and compare it to the American remake "Quarantine". They discuss the different filming styles and the success of each film.
The speaker highly recommends a college-made film and talks about how it's like mobile games where investing money makes you feel like you need to keep going. Their friend Patrick found and bought a copy after hearing the speaker talk about it so much.
The speaker reminisces about making a movie with a fake uncle figure who was beloved by the children, and reflects on her memories of being pregnant at the time. Some reviews of the movie were negative but the speaker emphasizes the positive experiences she had making it.