
A Call for a New Class of Police Officer
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30:17 - 39:59 (09:42)

The guest suggests that we need a new class of police officer that is not only trained to deal with the bad stuff but has a master's degree in social work or psychology and is more like a Jedi Knight.

In this podcast episode, the speaker comments on police training and how it affects police behavior in situations like drunk driving.
30:17 - 32:25 (02:08)
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Police Training

In this podcast episode, the speaker comments on police training and how it affects police behavior in situations like drunk driving. The speakers mention that police should have been trained to de-escalate the situation and write a ticket rather than projecting power, and white people are given more clemency in such situations.

A Call for a New Class of Police Officer
E4: Politicizing the pandemic, Police reform, Biden's ideal VP, Twitter vs. Facebook on free speech & more with David Sacks & David Friedberg
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
Joe Rogan suggests creating a new class of police officer, more like Jedi Knights, with higher pay and qualifications such as a master's degree in social work or psychology to better handle situations such as mental illness, addiction, and domestic disputes.
32:26 - 35:27 (03:01)
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Police Reform

Joe Rogan suggests creating a new class of police officer, more like Jedi Knights, with higher pay and qualifications such as a master's degree in social work or psychology to better handle situations such as mental illness, addiction, and domestic disputes.

A Call for a New Class of Police Officer
E4: Politicizing the pandemic, Police reform, Biden's ideal VP, Twitter vs. Facebook on free speech & more with David Sacks & David Friedberg
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The overuse of force by police is rooted in the issue of power corrupting absolutely.
35:27 - 39:59 (04:32)
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Political Ideology

The overuse of force by police is rooted in the issue of power corrupting absolutely. Republicans haven't taken on police unions due to their love for the police force, while Democrats haven't taken them on due to their support for unions.

A Call for a New Class of Police Officer
E4: Politicizing the pandemic, Police reform, Biden's ideal VP, Twitter vs. Facebook on free speech & more with David Sacks & David Friedberg
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg