
A night without tear gas in Portland
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40:58 - 51:20 (10:21)

Federal agents and protesters in Portland engaged in a war of tear gas canisters and fireworks. July 30th marked the first night in weeks without tear gas, though violence continued with federal and local police taking to the streets.

Protests in Portland, Oregon continued to escalate as federal agents used tear gas and munitions against the crowds, while protesters responded with fireworks and leaf blowers.
40:58 - 45:20 (04:21)
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Portland protests

Protests in Portland, Oregon continued to escalate as federal agents used tear gas and munitions against the crowds, while protesters responded with fireworks and leaf blowers. As the situation intensifies, tensions between the demonstrators and the federal authorities continue to rise.

A night without tear gas in Portland
Episode 6: Uprising: A Guide From Portland: The Fed War: Part 2
Behind the Bastards
There are conflicting statements about the withdrawal of federal forces from Portland with the governor announcing a phased withdrawal while DHS Secretary Chad Wolf claimed the forces would remain until violent activity towards federal facilities ends.
45:20 - 48:05 (02:45)
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Portland Protest

There are conflicting statements about the withdrawal of federal forces from Portland with the governor announcing a phased withdrawal while DHS Secretary Chad Wolf claimed the forces would remain until violent activity towards federal facilities ends.

A night without tear gas in Portland
Episode 6: Uprising: A Guide From Portland: The Fed War: Part 2
Behind the Bastards
The presence of federal officers sent by Trump overshadowed the original purpose of 2020 BLM movement and resulted in a huge contingent of laborers protesting against federal violence.
48:05 - 51:20 (03:14)
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BLM Movement

The presence of federal officers sent by Trump overshadowed the original purpose of 2020 BLM movement and resulted in a huge contingent of laborers protesting against federal violence. However, it also exposed a large number of people to the concept of mutual aid and the power of human assembly.

A night without tear gas in Portland
Episode 6: Uprising: A Guide From Portland: The Fed War: Part 2
Behind the Bastards