A family moving into Angels Landing in 2001 encounters a mysterious man named Lew who claims to be hundreds of years old and can see into the future, leading to the emergence of a supernatural world in their lives.
49:16 - 51:23 (02:06)
A family moving into Angels Landing in 2001 encounters a mysterious man named Lew who claims to be hundreds of years old and can see into the future, leading to the emergence of a supernatural world in their lives.
ChapterA Supernatural Encounter in Angels Landing
EpisodeAngels & Demons
PodcastDateline NBC
In this episode, a detective listens to a woman's experiences inside a cult led by Lou Castro, also known as "the seer" who allegedly controlled his followers and claimed to have three angel alter egos.
51:23 - 52:40 (01:17)
In this episode, a detective listens to a woman's experiences inside a cult led by Lou Castro, also known as "the seer" who allegedly controlled his followers and claimed to have three angel alter egos.