In light of the new abortion laws, ectopic pregnancies have become a topic of concern for women's healthcare providers as these laws define abortion as the termination of any clinically diagnosable pregnancy through any means, potentially criminalizing the treatment of ectopic pregnancies.
27:31 - 29:37 (02:06)
In light of the new abortion laws, ectopic pregnancies have become a topic of concern for women's healthcare providers as these laws define abortion as the termination of any clinically diagnosable pregnancy through any means, potentially criminalizing the treatment of ectopic pregnancies.
ChapterAccess to Abortions in the US
Episode792: When to Leave
PodcastThis American Life
The new laws protecting preborn children can enable multiple family members, including the father and relatives of the rapist, to sue physicians for providing care.
29:37 - 32:18 (02:41)
The new laws protecting preborn children can enable multiple family members, including the father and relatives of the rapist, to sue physicians for providing care. This poses a challenge for medical practitioners to balance providing medical help while shielding themselves from lawsuits.