
Ad for Fight Camp freestanding punching bag on podcast
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00:00 - 03:49 (03:49)

The podcaster promotes Fight Camp, a freestanding punching bag that uses patented technology to stay in place during a boxing workout, and mentions essential but often unsung software and infrastructure engineers at Tesla.

In this episode of the Lex Friedman podcast, Michael Malice joins Friedman for the fifth time to discuss a broad range of topics.
00:00 - 01:14 (01:14)
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Lex Friedman podcast

In this episode of the Lex Friedman podcast, Michael Malice joins Friedman for the fifth time to discuss a broad range of topics. The episode includes ads for Fight Camp, Linux virtual machines by Linode, Magic Spoon's keto-friendly cereal, Sun Basket's healthy meal delivery service, and ExpressVPN.

Ad for Fight Camp freestanding punching bag on podcast
#253 – Michael Malice: New Year’s Special
Lex Fridman Podcast
Elon Musk praises the unsung heroes, the software and infrastructure engineers making Tesla's Autopilot a success.
01:14 - 03:49 (02:35)
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Tesla, Engineers, Infrastructure, Autopilot, Workout, Patented Technology

Elon Musk praises the unsung heroes, the software and infrastructure engineers making Tesla's Autopilot a success. Meanwhile, there's a new workout product out there with a patented technology that allows you to track your progress and compete with others.

Ad for Fight Camp freestanding punching bag on podcast
#253 – Michael Malice: New Year’s Special
Lex Fridman Podcast