

AI's Future and Human Happiness
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49:17 - 53:54 (04:37)

The timeline for AI surpassing human intelligence is a hot topic, but most predictions fall between 50 and 10 years from now. While this raises concerns about AI safety, it also raises questions about how we view human happiness when we have the power to play god with other species and potentially even ourselves.

AI is predicted to become smarter than humans, leading to a massive shift in jobs and society, even before it reaches general intelligence.
49:17 - 52:18 (03:01)
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AI is predicted to become smarter than humans, leading to a massive shift in jobs and society, even before it reaches general intelligence. Experts predict this could happen in as little as 10 years and will require significant changes and adaptations.

AI's Future and Human Happiness
#283: Managing Procrastination, Predicting the Future, and Finding Happiness - Tim Urban
The Tim Ferriss Show
The speaker highlights AI’s god-like ability and compares it to our ability to control other animals, but also raises concerns about whether or not we will remain in control of it in the future.
52:18 - 53:54 (01:36)
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Artificial Intelligence

The speaker highlights AI’s god-like ability and compares it to our ability to control other animals, but also raises concerns about whether or not we will remain in control of it in the future.

AI's Future and Human Happiness
#283: Managing Procrastination, Predicting the Future, and Finding Happiness - Tim Urban
The Tim Ferriss Show