

AI's Human Emotions
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1:21:45 - 1:28:28 (06:42)

The advancement of AI technology may lead to the invention of systems that exhibit human-like emotions and feelings. The use of games, like chess, have been used to bring awareness to the capabilities of AI.

The first demonstration of AI beating humans at chess was a seminal moment in AI history and brought attention to the fact that chess has a finite number of moves that can be made.
1:21:45 - 1:24:17 (02:31)
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Artificial Intelligence

The first demonstration of AI beating humans at chess was a seminal moment in AI history and brought attention to the fact that chess has a finite number of moves that can be made. This was an interesting demonstration of the capabilities of AI and continues to be a valuable learning experience for AI development.

AI's Human Emotions
#362 – Ginni Rometty: IBM CEO on Leadership, Power, and Adversity
Lex Fridman Podcast
The speaker reflects on the awe-inspiring moment when they discovered that a machine (chess computer Deep Blue) could perform what they had always thought of as a uniquely human skill - intelligence.
1:24:17 - 1:25:50 (01:32)
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Artificial Intelligence

The speaker reflects on the awe-inspiring moment when they discovered that a machine (chess computer Deep Blue) could perform what they had always thought of as a uniquely human skill - intelligence. It challenged their previous understanding of memory, patterns, intuition, guts, and instinct all working together, and wonders if the human mind is not simply a set of algorithms.

AI's Human Emotions
#362 – Ginni Rometty: IBM CEO on Leadership, Power, and Adversity
Lex Fridman Podcast
The technology behind AI is neither inherently good nor bad: it's all about how it's used or taught.
1:25:50 - 1:28:28 (02:37)
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The technology behind AI is neither inherently good nor bad: it's all about how it's used or taught. Public perception of AI has been shaped by unrealistic expectations, but we'll eventually have to grapple with AI systems that simulate human emotions.

AI's Human Emotions
#362 – Ginni Rometty: IBM CEO on Leadership, Power, and Adversity
Lex Fridman Podcast