

Amy Winehouse's Mysterious Death
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47:34 - 54:29 (06:54)

Analysis of Amy Winehouse's autopsy report highlights inconsistencies, cast doubts on her official cause of death, and fuels conspiracy theories surrounding the idea that she was murdered.

The presence of mattress imprints and cut marks on the back of the victim's body suggests she was placed on the mattress immediately after death according to a forensic expert, which supports the theory that the alleged murderer acted alone and had no help in disposing of the body.
47:34 - 48:32 (00:57)
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Forensic Science

The presence of mattress imprints and cut marks on the back of the victim's body suggests she was placed on the mattress immediately after death according to a forensic expert, which supports the theory that the alleged murderer acted alone and had no help in disposing of the body.

Amy Winehouse's Mysterious Death
#Justicefor Kimberly Womack Episode 5
Real Life Real Crime
The speaker describes the various deep cuts and bruises found on a lady's body which seem to be unexplained and mysterious.
48:32 - 49:42 (01:10)
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Unexplained Cuts, Bruises, Mysterious, Lady's Body

The speaker describes the various deep cuts and bruises found on a lady's body which seem to be unexplained and mysterious. Despite examining the wounds, the speaker cannot find an explanation and is in awe of their severity.

Amy Winehouse's Mysterious Death
#Justicefor Kimberly Womack Episode 5
Real Life Real Crime
This episode discusses the questionable circumstances surrounding the death of Rebecca Zahau, including the lack of forensic evidence supporting the official ruling of suicide.
49:42 - 54:29 (04:46)
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True Crime

This episode discusses the questionable circumstances surrounding the death of Rebecca Zahau, including the lack of forensic evidence supporting the official ruling of suicide.

Amy Winehouse's Mysterious Death
#Justicefor Kimberly Womack Episode 5
Real Life Real Crime