

Bad Advice for Abuse Victims
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12:24 - 15:18 (02:54)

This podcast discusses how certain self-help books and advice can be detrimental to abuse victims, as part of the healing process is realizing that the abuser is to blame.

The deliberate wording of Dr. Phil's rules makes it understandable why people might fall for them, but they are essentially transparent nonsense.
12:24 - 13:23 (00:58)
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Dr. Phil

The deliberate wording of Dr. Phil's rules makes it understandable why people might fall for them, but they are essentially transparent nonsense. Some of his rules might be innocuous, but others, such as the 'create your own experiences' rule, can be more sinister.

Bad Advice for Abuse Victims
Part Two: Dr. Phil Is Even Worse Than You Think And You Probably Think He Sucks
Behind the Bastards
The speaker criticizes advice that shifts the blame onto abuse victims instead of their abusers, pointing out that part of the healing process for victims is realizing they are not at fault for the abuse.
13:23 - 15:18 (01:55)
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The speaker criticizes advice that shifts the blame onto abuse victims instead of their abusers, pointing out that part of the healing process for victims is realizing they are not at fault for the abuse.

Bad Advice for Abuse Victims
Part Two: Dr. Phil Is Even Worse Than You Think And You Probably Think He Sucks
Behind the Bastards