

Biden Ends Public Health Emergency Declaration
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08:49 - 18:38 (09:48)

President Biden has ended the public health emergency declaration for COVID-19, which will trigger changes in the healthcare system such as the ability to prescribe medications remotely, but won't impact vaccine distribution nor terminate the COVID-19 public health programs and funding.

The Biden administration has decided to end the public health emergency earlier than expected, causing changes in a lot of areas, although some things will stay the same.
08:49 - 11:04 (02:15)
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Biden Administration

The Biden administration has decided to end the public health emergency earlier than expected, causing changes in a lot of areas, although some things will stay the same. This decision is partly influenced by politics and means that measures such as Title 42 will also be coming to an end.

Biden Ends Public Health Emergency Declaration
The End of the Pandemic Emergency in the U.S.
The Daily
The Biden administration’s decision to continue the public health emergency plan despite the pandemic being over was to give themselves time to unwind the complicated system they have put in place.
11:04 - 13:33 (02:28)
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The Biden administration’s decision to continue the public health emergency plan despite the pandemic being over was to give themselves time to unwind the complicated system they have put in place. Personal COVID hygiene practices should be based on individual risk levels and tolerance.

Biden Ends Public Health Emergency Declaration
The End of the Pandemic Emergency in the U.S.
The Daily
The coronavirus is an endemic virus, and we may have to live with it forever like the flu.
13:33 - 18:38 (05:05)
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The coronavirus is an endemic virus, and we may have to live with it forever like the flu. Scientists suggest everyone should get an annual shot, as the virus's behavior is unpredictable.

Biden Ends Public Health Emergency Declaration
The End of the Pandemic Emergency in the U.S.
The Daily