

Building a Following for Your Book Launch
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1:47:56 - 1:54:13 (06:16)

The speaker suggests picking a podcast, in absence of an email list, as a viable option to build a following for a book, depending on the week of your book launch and prioritizing online reviews for your book on Amazon.

While Amazon's bestseller charts are the most accurate reflection of what's selling in the book market, the New York Times list still holds a mind share among readers and is perceived as a mark of prestige among authors.
1:47:56 - 1:48:48 (00:52)
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While Amazon's bestseller charts are the most accurate reflection of what's selling in the book market, the New York Times list still holds a mind share among readers and is perceived as a mark of prestige among authors.

Building a Following for Your Book Launch
#648: James Clear, Atomic Habits — Simple Strategies for Building (and Breaking) Habits, Questions for Personal Mastery and Growth, Tactics for Writing and Launching a Mega-Bestseller, Finding Leverage, and More
The Tim Ferriss Show
With so many different ways to communicate, it can be difficult to choose which medium is the most effective.
1:48:48 - 1:50:27 (01:38)
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With so many different ways to communicate, it can be difficult to choose which medium is the most effective. It's important to do your research and choose a medium that suits your needs and goals, rather than being pulled in too many directions by the advice of others.

Building a Following for Your Book Launch
#648: James Clear, Atomic Habits — Simple Strategies for Building (and Breaking) Habits, Questions for Personal Mastery and Growth, Tactics for Writing and Launching a Mega-Bestseller, Finding Leverage, and More
The Tim Ferriss Show
The podcast discusses the positive and negative effects of writing, including the ability to write on any topic but also the risk of misinformation.
1:50:27 - 1:51:44 (01:16)
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The podcast discusses the positive and negative effects of writing, including the ability to write on any topic but also the risk of misinformation. The speakers also mention how writing can lead to book deals and boosts in sales.

Building a Following for Your Book Launch
#648: James Clear, Atomic Habits — Simple Strategies for Building (and Breaking) Habits, Questions for Personal Mastery and Growth, Tactics for Writing and Launching a Mega-Bestseller, Finding Leverage, and More
The Tim Ferriss Show
The best way to promote a book without an email list is to spend time building the audience and the email list while doing as many podcasts as possible, using current advantages to gain new ones and trying to prove that you're worthy to come on as a guest on one level up shows.
1:51:44 - 1:52:54 (01:10)
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Book Promotion

The best way to promote a book without an email list is to spend time building the audience and the email list while doing as many podcasts as possible, using current advantages to gain new ones and trying to prove that you're worthy to come on as a guest on one level up shows.

Building a Following for Your Book Launch
#648: James Clear, Atomic Habits — Simple Strategies for Building (and Breaking) Habits, Questions for Personal Mastery and Growth, Tactics for Writing and Launching a Mega-Bestseller, Finding Leverage, and More
The Tim Ferriss Show
The speaker discusses how influencer marketing works on social media platforms, including the importance of engagement from followers.
1:52:54 - 1:54:13 (01:18)
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Social Media