Two friends, David and Anthony, experimented with Halo 3 mods to alter features of the game while having access to PartnerNet, allowing them to see unreleased content.
27:56 - 32:41 (04:44)
Two friends, David and Anthony, experimented with Halo 3 mods to alter features of the game while having access to PartnerNet, allowing them to see unreleased content. David became known for his modding skills.
ChapterCheating in Online Gaming
EpisodeEp 45: XBox Underground (Part 1)
PodcastDarknet Diaries
Dave created a game lobby on Xbox Live using his dev kit that allowed people to use cheats such as walking through walls and having 100% accuracy, leading to kids stealing their parents' credit cards just to improve their stats.
32:41 - 35:38 (02:56)
Dave created a game lobby on Xbox Live using his dev kit that allowed people to use cheats such as walking through walls and having 100% accuracy, leading to kids stealing their parents' credit cards just to improve their stats.