"City of the Rails" is a podcast that delves into the strange and mysterious subculture of a rail yard, where KGB agents, a Frank Lloyd Wright commune, and bizarre sexual encounters all intersect with one another.
00:00 - 01:40 (01:40)
"City of the Rails" is a podcast that delves into the strange and mysterious subculture of a rail yard, where KGB agents, a Frank Lloyd Wright commune, and bizarre sexual encounters all intersect with one another. Join the host as they uncover the secrets and peculiarities of the "City of the Rails."
ChapterCity of the Rails
EpisodeHow (O)possums Work
PodcastStuff You Should Know
Two hosts engage in humorous banter and briefly discuss the topic of possums versus opossums.
01:40 - 02:29 (00:48)
Two hosts engage in humorous banter and briefly discuss the topic of possums versus opossums.
ChapterCity of the Rails
EpisodeHow (O)possums Work
PodcastStuff You Should Know
The hosts discuss an Instagram follower with the handle "gioi_g" and their pronunciation, which has been posted on their account since April.
02:29 - 03:03 (00:34)
The hosts discuss an Instagram follower with the handle "gioi_g" and their pronunciation, which has been posted on their account since April.