

Comparison of Waymo and Tesla's Autonomous Vehicles in the World of AI and Machine Learning
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1:27:16 - 1:39:02 (11:45)

This podcast features a discussion on the contrasting approaches of Waymo and Tesla in creating autonomous vehicles, and the role of AI in the technology industry.

The hosts discuss the major breakthroughs in AI history, including Alpha Zero, Deep Blue, deep learning, OpenAI, and Boston Dynamics.
1:27:16 - 1:29:08 (01:51)
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Artificial Intelligence

The hosts discuss the major breakthroughs in AI history, including Alpha Zero, Deep Blue, deep learning, OpenAI, and Boston Dynamics. They ponder where a better machine learning system for protein folding fits in with these other advancements.

Comparison of Waymo and Tesla's Autonomous Vehicles in the World of AI and Machine Learning
#153 – Dmitry Korkin: Evolution of Proteins, Viruses, Life, and AI
Lex Fridman Podcast
The speaker discusses the shock and impact of the 1997 chess match between Deep Blue and Kasparov, and how it highlighted the abilities of technology and artificial intelligence.
1:29:08 - 1:31:35 (02:27)
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Deep Blue

The speaker discusses the shock and impact of the 1997 chess match between Deep Blue and Kasparov, and how it highlighted the abilities of technology and artificial intelligence.

Comparison of Waymo and Tesla's Autonomous Vehicles in the World of AI and Machine Learning
#153 – Dmitry Korkin: Evolution of Proteins, Viruses, Life, and AI
Lex Fridman Podcast
While AI has advanced in replicating the styles of significant painters like Rembrandt, it has not yet produced a popular musical or cinematic masterpiece that can make a significant quantity of money.
1:31:36 - 1:34:26 (02:49)
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AI and Art

While AI has advanced in replicating the styles of significant painters like Rembrandt, it has not yet produced a popular musical or cinematic masterpiece that can make a significant quantity of money.

Comparison of Waymo and Tesla's Autonomous Vehicles in the World of AI and Machine Learning
#153 – Dmitry Korkin: Evolution of Proteins, Viruses, Life, and AI
Lex Fridman Podcast
The speaker highlights the exciting use of AI and machine learning in audio processing tools, offering advanced features beyond basic signal processing.
1:34:26 - 1:37:16 (02:50)
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AI, Audio Processing

The speaker highlights the exciting use of AI and machine learning in audio processing tools, offering advanced features beyond basic signal processing. Training data can be fed to the tools for more customized outputs.

Comparison of Waymo and Tesla's Autonomous Vehicles in the World of AI and Machine Learning
#153 – Dmitry Korkin: Evolution of Proteins, Viruses, Life, and AI
Lex Fridman Podcast
AI has been taught to play rock, classical, and popular music.
1:37:16 - 1:39:02 (01:45)
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AI has been taught to play rock, classical, and popular music. While classical music was found to be the most challenging, it's possible that an AI engine could one day produce a hit song.

Comparison of Waymo and Tesla's Autonomous Vehicles in the World of AI and Machine Learning
#153 – Dmitry Korkin: Evolution of Proteins, Viruses, Life, and AI
Lex Fridman Podcast