
Conflicting Stories Surrounding Cherie's Disappearance
Carey claims that Cherie left from his place and went straight to work in Salt Lake City two and a half hours before her scheduled shift. However, according to the Sorensons, Cherie was at their house, left from their house, and drove her father to Denny's before heading to work.
The conflicting accounts of the morning of Cherie O'Dell's disappearance suggest that she may not have left for work directly from her boyfriend's apartment as he claims, but instead left from her parents' house where she spent the night.
10:40 - 15:03 (04:23)
The conflicting accounts of the morning of Cherie O'Dell's disappearance suggest that she may not have left for work directly from her boyfriend's apartment as he claims, but instead left from her parents' house where she spent the night.