

Cooperation tendencies based on sex
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46:42 - 57:34 (10:52)

Men become more cooperative than women over repeated mixed-sex interactions in social dilemmas; however, when playing games with a partner, as men and women diverge further in their purity concerns, women become less cooperative than men in same-sex interactions leading to a larger disparity between their behaviors.

Women tend to be more cooperative in mixed-sex interactions, whereas men become more cooperative than women over repeated interactions in same-sex interactions.
46:42 - 51:09 (04:26)
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Cooperation, Gender Differences

Women tend to be more cooperative in mixed-sex interactions, whereas men become more cooperative than women over repeated interactions in same-sex interactions. This may be due to women's tendency to engage in tit-for-tat behaviors and their emphasis on interpersonal loyalty.

Cooperation tendencies based on sex
#580 - Dr Tania Reynolds - What Use Are Female Friendships?
Modern Wisdom
Gossip may be indirect, but it can cause significant harm to the reputation and social appeal of an individual.
51:09 - 52:39 (01:29)
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Gossip may be indirect, but it can cause significant harm to the reputation and social appeal of an individual. Women, in particular, rely on gossip to prevent retaliation and protect their reputation, as their well-being is often more vulnerable than men's.

Cooperation tendencies based on sex
#580 - Dr Tania Reynolds - What Use Are Female Friendships?
Modern Wisdom
Women tend to be more sensitive to threats, both physical and social, as part of their evolutionary strategy to stay alive and provide for their children.
52:39 - 55:43 (03:03)
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Women, Evolutionary Strategy

Women tend to be more sensitive to threats, both physical and social, as part of their evolutionary strategy to stay alive and provide for their children. One crucial aspect that contributes to this vulnerability is the need to avoid any accusations of sexual indiscretion in the past, which affects their social standings.

Cooperation tendencies based on sex
#580 - Dr Tania Reynolds - What Use Are Female Friendships?
Modern Wisdom
The perception of sexual promiscuity can negatively affect one's desirability to others, especially as a long-term partner.
55:43 - 57:34 (01:51)
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Sexual Reputation

The perception of sexual promiscuity can negatively affect one's desirability to others, especially as a long-term partner. Women tend to prioritize sexual purity in contexts where competition for men is high, while sexual information can significantly harm a woman's reputation and desirability.

Cooperation tendencies based on sex
#580 - Dr Tania Reynolds - What Use Are Female Friendships?
Modern Wisdom