
Coping with Ambiguous Loss
The term ambiguous loss describes the feeling of grief and emotional distress that arises from losing someone who is physically present but psychologically or emotionally absent. This podcast episode focuses on the ways in which individuals and families can cope with the confusion, anxiety and pain caused by ambiguous loss.
The term "ambiguous loss" was coined by family sciences researcher Pauline Boss, and it describes the complicated and often difficult-to-navigate feelings associated with a loss that is not fully resolved or understood.
00:00 - 03:19 (03:19)
The term "ambiguous loss" was coined by family sciences researcher Pauline Boss, and it describes the complicated and often difficult-to-navigate feelings associated with a loss that is not fully resolved or understood. The podcast episode explores this concept in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and shares a personal story of waiting for a grandfather's cremation due to COVID-19 concerns.