This episode tells the story of Carla Walker, a young woman who was murdered in 1974, and the impact her death had on her family, friends, and community in Fort Worth, Texas.
37:00 - 38:37 (01:37)
This episode tells the story of Carla Walker, a young woman who was murdered in 1974, and the impact her death had on her family, friends, and community in Fort Worth, Texas.
ChapterCoping with Trauma After a Sibling's Murder
EpisodeAfter the Dance
PodcastDateline NBC
Jim Huddle's obsessive search for the Golden State Killer ultimately led to identifying and capturing the serial killer.
38:37 - 40:15 (01:38)
Jim Huddle's obsessive search for the Golden State Killer ultimately led to identifying and capturing the serial killer. Huddle's interest in crime-solving began after his father's death, and he spent decades combing through evidence and investigating leads.
ChapterCoping with Trauma After a Sibling's Murder
EpisodeAfter the Dance
PodcastDateline NBC
A brother's determination to find his sister's killer and the unwavering dedication of the police force.
40:15 - 42:14 (01:59)
A brother's determination to find his sister's killer and the unwavering dedication of the police force.