Dehumanizing the Enemy in Military Conflict
In this discussion, the speaker highlights the significance of dehumanizing the enemy in military conflict by looking at the conflicts of the past and how dehumanization has played a role in these conflicts. He shares his concerns on how cybersecurity can trigger conflicts by creating an "other" out of a large population, which in turn can lead to hot conflicts at scale.
The pattern of dehumanization across history has often led to conflict and mass suffering, and the rise of cyberwarfare is creating new divisions that could similarly lead to conflict.
25:38 - 32:02 (06:23)
The pattern of dehumanization across history has often led to conflict and mass suffering, and the rise of cyberwarfare is creating new divisions that could similarly lead to conflict. It’s crucial to maintain a sense of empathy and humanity even in times of war or conflict.
ChapterDehumanizing the Enemy in Military Conflict
Episode#197 – Jocko Willink: War, Leadership, and Discipline
PodcastLex Fridman Podcast
The debate around whether military conflict is engaged in too frequently continues.
32:03 - 34:27 (02:24)
The debate around whether military conflict is engaged in too frequently continues. At what point is taking military action justified?