
Discord and Impatience Grow Amidst Loss of Lives in War
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3:10:46 - 3:21:07 (10:21)

The toll and lives lost in the war are weighing on the minds of those directing it as the American public becomes increasingly impatient. Media outlets are sowing discord and fuming amongst people who have lost or will lose loved ones, leading to anguished reactions such as an unidentified woman pleading to stop sending the finest youth to be murdered on places like Iwo Jima.

The battle of Iwo Jima had a profound impact on the United States, with a letter from an unknown woman urging the military to stop sending young men to die, and with a Japanese veteran remarking on the brutal conditions of the battle.
3:10:46 - 3:18:29 (07:43)
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Iwo Jima

The battle of Iwo Jima had a profound impact on the United States, with a letter from an unknown woman urging the military to stop sending young men to die, and with a Japanese veteran remarking on the brutal conditions of the battle.

Discord and Impatience Grow Amidst Loss of Lives in War
Show 67 - Supernova in the East VI
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The American public is getting impatient and questioning the value of taking casualties in the Pacific.
3:18:31 - 3:21:07 (02:36)
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The American public is getting impatient and questioning the value of taking casualties in the Pacific. Some media outlets, such as Pacific Fury, are personalizing the strain and suffering of soldiers in an attempt to show that it is not worth the cost.

Discord and Impatience Grow Amidst Loss of Lives in War
Show 67 - Supernova in the East VI
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History