
Discussing Counterculture and Pride Parade Kinks
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04:50 - 12:30 (07:40)

The speaker shares their contrarian personality and discusses the topic of whether kinks should be involved in pride parades. They also mention racial conversations and how people would think if they were in a different group.

The discussion revolves around the new term "demisexual" which describes individuals who form strong emotional connections prior to physical attraction, and the opposite of this; someone who will sleep with anyone regardless of any connection.
04:50 - 08:41 (03:50)
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The discussion revolves around the new term "demisexual" which describes individuals who form strong emotional connections prior to physical attraction, and the opposite of this; someone who will sleep with anyone regardless of any connection.

Discussing Counterculture and Pride Parade Kinks
#345 - Ryan Long - Annihilating The Culture
Modern Wisdom
The conversation is inconclusive and lacks a clear direction, with individuals discussing how they might react differently if they were a different gender or race in certain scenarios.
08:41 - 12:30 (03:49)
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Gender and Race

The conversation is inconclusive and lacks a clear direction, with individuals discussing how they might react differently if they were a different gender or race in certain scenarios.

Discussing Counterculture and Pride Parade Kinks
#345 - Ryan Long - Annihilating The Culture
Modern Wisdom