This episode tells the story of a woman who, through the power of her own personal story, was able to land her dream job in engineering at Ford Motor Company.
05:00 - 07:21 (02:21)
This episode tells the story of a woman who, through the power of her own personal story, was able to land her dream job in engineering at Ford Motor Company.
ChapterDiverse upbringings and tough parenting
EpisodeThe Value of Failing with Suneel Gupta
PodcastA Bit of Optimism
The podcast explores how parenting influences children's resilience to deal with discomfort and struggle.
07:21 - 10:30 (03:08)
The podcast explores how parenting influences children's resilience to deal with discomfort and struggle. While some parents prefer to use tough love and intense methods to prepare their children, others rely on modern philosophies of parenting to protect their children from discomfort.