
Diversity in Publishing Industry
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38:07 - 51:54 (13:47)

The publishing industry has for a long time been dominated by white authors and white stories. However, there is a growing concern and a long-awaited shift to increase diversity in the industry with the aim of publishing books about all and for all.

Editor Lisa Lucas recounts the difficulties of being a newcomer in the book industry, where most professionals have worked together for decades.
38:07 - 39:38 (01:31)
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Editor Lisa Lucas recounts the difficulties of being a newcomer in the book industry, where most professionals have worked together for decades. Her racial identity has brought her more visibility, making her feel as though she must prove herself to everyone paying attention.

Diversity in Publishing Industry
The Sunday Read: ‘Inside the Push to Diversify the Book Business’
The Daily
The overwhelming majority of fiction books published by the major traditional publishing houses are written by white, non-Hispanic authors, reflecting a lack of diversity in the industry.
39:38 - 46:20 (06:41)
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Diversity in Publishing

The overwhelming majority of fiction books published by the major traditional publishing houses are written by white, non-Hispanic authors, reflecting a lack of diversity in the industry.

Diversity in Publishing Industry
The Sunday Read: ‘Inside the Push to Diversify the Book Business’
The Daily
Penguin Random House assures a long-term commitment to change at the highest levels, including in-house training, changes in recruitment, and developing a two-year strategic plan for diversity, equity and inclusion goals, set to be released later this month.
46:22 - 51:54 (05:32)
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diversity and inclusion

Penguin Random House assures a long-term commitment to change at the highest levels, including in-house training, changes in recruitment, and developing a two-year strategic plan for diversity, equity and inclusion goals, set to be released later this month. The company's global CEO announced its goal for diversity in publishing programs in 2017 and aims to have 30% of senior management positions filled by women.

Diversity in Publishing Industry
The Sunday Read: ‘Inside the Push to Diversify the Book Business’
The Daily