

Does Science Progress by Personalities or Fundamental Principles?
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18:19 - 22:23 (04:03)

The speaker questions whether personalities or fundamental principles are what drive progress in science and mentions their hesitation to trust the predictions of neural nets for their personal medical decisions.

The term "artificial intelligence" was coined by John McCarthy as a way to differentiate his work in the field of cybernetics, but has led to misunderstandings about the nature of AI and its limitations.
18:19 - 19:32 (01:12)
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Artificial Intelligence

The term "artificial intelligence" was coined by John McCarthy as a way to differentiate his work in the field of cybernetics, but has led to misunderstandings about the nature of AI and its limitations. The field of science should progress based on fundamental principles and research rather than personalities or catchy terms.

Does Science Progress by Personalities or Fundamental Principles?
#74 – Michael I. Jordan: Machine Learning, Recommender Systems, and the Future of AI
Lex Fridman Podcast
The speaker expresses skepticism towards relying solely on technology, like neural nets and AI, to make important decisions.
19:32 - 22:23 (02:51)
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The speaker expresses skepticism towards relying solely on technology, like neural nets and AI, to make important decisions. He believes that human intuition and experience should also be taken into account for better judgement.

Does Science Progress by Personalities or Fundamental Principles?
#74 – Michael I. Jordan: Machine Learning, Recommender Systems, and the Future of AI
Lex Fridman Podcast