The importance of pursuing what makes oneself happy, seeking help when needed, having patience, and gaining perspective on material things versus true happiness are discussed in this podcast.
00:00 - 00:30 (00:30)
The importance of pursuing what makes oneself happy, seeking help when needed, having patience, and gaining perspective on material things versus true happiness are discussed in this podcast.
ChapterDoing What You Love with Danny Miranda
Episode#239: Neema Naz – Gary V, Content, & Consistency
PodcastThe Danny Miranda Podcast
Danny Miranda talks about his experience presenting at VCon and how he loves creating content about GaryVee out of admiration, not mockery.
00:30 - 01:18 (00:48)
Danny Miranda talks about his experience presenting at VCon and how he loves creating content about GaryVee out of admiration, not mockery.