
Embracing Dirtbag Travel in your 50s
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23:23 - 31:14 (07:50)

A proud dirtbag traveler discusses how traveling without a traditional plan or schedule can lead to an interesting and flexible life, even in your 50s.

The speaker discusses the value of traveling using two anecdotes, one focusing on the unique experiences gained from traveling and the other emphasizing the importance of paying attention to overlooked things in different cultures.
23:23 - 24:50 (01:27)
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The speaker discusses the value of traveling using two anecdotes, one focusing on the unique experiences gained from traveling and the other emphasizing the importance of paying attention to overlooked things in different cultures.

Embracing Dirtbag Travel in your 50s
#624: Rolf Potts — The Vagabond’s Way, Tactics for Immersive Travel, Pilgrimages and Psychogeography, Empathy Machines, Full-Throated Love, The Slow Sense of Smell, Lessons from Thích Nhất Hạnh, Falling Upward, and More
The Tim Ferriss Show
The speaker shares their experience of visiting hostels to talk with people who work there, seeing how different generations can connect and learn from each other while traveling.
24:50 - 29:14 (04:23)
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The speaker talks about how being a dirtbag traveler meant making sacrifices and compromises in life, including traditional love, in exchange for freedom and flexibility.
29:14 - 31:14 (02:00)
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The speaker talks about how being a dirtbag traveler meant making sacrifices and compromises in life, including traditional love, in exchange for freedom and flexibility. However, he shares how he eventually met the right person and fell in love while still being able to maintain his love for travel.

Embracing Dirtbag Travel in your 50s
#624: Rolf Potts — The Vagabond’s Way, Tactics for Immersive Travel, Pilgrimages and Psychogeography, Empathy Machines, Full-Throated Love, The Slow Sense of Smell, Lessons from Thích Nhất Hạnh, Falling Upward, and More
The Tim Ferriss Show