
Exploring Love and Empathy through Storytelling
The podcast discusses the power of storytelling for understanding love and empathy and how it can differ across cultures. It highlights the value of reading novels while traveling to gain a deeper understanding of the countries being visited.
The idea that a novelist creates a story that we read and we recognize him as the author of that is pretty new.
1:06:31 - 1:10:39 (04:08)
The idea that a novelist creates a story that we read and we recognize him as the author of that is pretty new.
ChapterExploring Love and Empathy through Storytelling
Episode#624: Rolf Potts — The Vagabond’s Way, Tactics for Immersive Travel, Pilgrimages and Psychogeography, Empathy Machines, Full-Throated Love, The Slow Sense of Smell, Lessons from Thích Nhất Hạnh, Falling Upward, and More
PodcastThe Tim Ferriss Show
Love often becomes work and we often think of it as a bestowed gift, rather than something we must work for.
1:10:39 - 1:14:09 (03:29)
Love often becomes work and we often think of it as a bestowed gift, rather than something we must work for. Some cultures view love differently, as something that doesn't have to be a passionate, fairy tale ending, but a partnership filled with practicality and family values.