

Finding Love Beyond Physical Attributes
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57:55 - 1:02:23 (04:27)

The essence of how you feel within yourself when you're with a person should matter more than their physical attributes. A successful relationship should be about respecting, loving, and sharing the same values and interests with the other person.

Two people who were dating other people initially felt a strong connection at a happier hour party at a meditation school.
57:55 - 59:07 (01:11)
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Love Story

Two people who were dating other people initially felt a strong connection at a happier hour party at a meditation school. Three months later, they were both single and went on a date which led to them moving in together the next day.

Finding Love Beyond Physical Attributes
#301: Grace Smith – The 7-Figure Hypnotherapist
The Danny Miranda Podcast
The key to finding love is to focus less on specific attributes and more on how you feel in your partner's essence, according to the speaker.
59:07 - 1:02:23 (03:16)
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The key to finding love is to focus less on specific attributes and more on how you feel in your partner's essence, according to the speaker. Falling in love is immediate when you connect with someone who respects and loves the same things as you, rather than trying to convince yourself to love someone based on a list of requirements.

Finding Love Beyond Physical Attributes
#301: Grace Smith – The 7-Figure Hypnotherapist
The Danny Miranda Podcast