A professional surfer discusses the desire for more support early on in her career and reflects on the decisions she made in regards to marriage, pregnancy and a life-changing accident.
04:59 - 09:12 (04:13)
A professional surfer discusses the desire for more support early on in her career and reflects on the decisions she made in regards to marriage, pregnancy and a life-changing accident.
ChapterFinding the Right Support in Competitive Surfing
Episode841 Bethany Hamilton on Embracing Challenges and Becoming a Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The right coach or support system can bring out the drive in a naturally-driven person, like a surfer.
09:13 - 12:26 (03:13)
The right coach or support system can bring out the drive in a naturally-driven person, like a surfer. With proper training and understanding of the waves and ocean, a surfer can gain a sense of wisdom, allowing for better surf sessions.