This is a two-part documentary series about an American football player, Mante Tayo, who gets catfished online, and the aftermath following the revelation of the catfish's true identity.
1:29:40 - 1:31:03 (01:22)
This is a two-part documentary series about an American football player, Mante Tayo, who gets catfished online, and the aftermath following the revelation of the catfish's true identity. The film tells the story from various perspectives and is very well done.
ChapterFitness and Podcasts
Episode#529 - Life Hacks 209
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker recommends the movie "Ex Machina" and updates a leaderboard ranking several movie titles.
1:31:03 - 1:31:34 (00:30)
The speaker recommends the movie "Ex Machina" and updates a leaderboard ranking several movie titles.
ChapterFitness and Podcasts
Episode#529 - Life Hacks 209
PodcastModern Wisdom
Propane Fitness helps coaches in the fitness and health industry to move their services online.
1:31:35 - 1:33:10 (01:34)
Propane Fitness helps coaches in the fitness and health industry to move their services online. They offer a free training program at propane wisdom.