

Fundraising for Access to Space
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1:20:23 - 1:27:46 (07:23)

The fundraising process allows researchers access to space without waiting for years to secure grant money. This provides an opportunity to execute space-related projects in a shorter period of time.

Opportunities for space travel are increasing as Astro Access helps disabled individuals training for zero-g flights and sends people to the International Space Station.
1:20:23 - 1:23:25 (03:02)
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Space Travel

Opportunities for space travel are increasing as Astro Access helps disabled individuals training for zero-g flights and sends people to the International Space Station. Students may also attend the International Space Station in the near future.

Fundraising for Access to Space
#271 – Ariel Ekblaw: Space Colonization and Self-Assembling Space Megastructures
Lex Fridman Podcast
The speaker explains how fundraising has changed the process of getting projects to space, allowing for more direct access to the International Space Station and future commercial space stations such as Axiom and Blue Origin's space stations.
1:23:25 - 1:26:50 (03:24)
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Space Exploration

The speaker explains how fundraising has changed the process of getting projects to space, allowing for more direct access to the International Space Station and future commercial space stations such as Axiom and Blue Origin's space stations.

Fundraising for Access to Space
#271 – Ariel Ekblaw: Space Colonization and Self-Assembling Space Megastructures
Lex Fridman Podcast
Valentina Sumini's air-powered robotics tail is a soft robotics appendage that can grapple and hold humans in space, allowing them to free up both hands for work.
1:26:50 - 1:27:46 (00:56)
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Valentina Sumini's air-powered robotics tail is a soft robotics appendage that can grapple and hold humans in space, allowing them to free up both hands for work. The technology is in its early stages but has potential for use in bionic humans or prosthetics to augment capabilities in a space environment.

Fundraising for Access to Space
#271 – Ariel Ekblaw: Space Colonization and Self-Assembling Space Megastructures
Lex Fridman Podcast