A developer illegally obtained the source code for Gears of War 3 over a year before its release, causing potential spoilers and security concerns for the game.
41:53 - 44:12 (02:19)
A developer illegally obtained the source code for Gears of War 3 over a year before its release, causing potential spoilers and security concerns for the game.
ChapterHackers Steal Source Code for Pre-Released Games
EpisodeEp 45: XBox Underground (Part 1)
PodcastDarknet Diaries
A group of hackers were able to breach Epic's network and steal source code for pre-released games.
44:15 - 46:15 (02:00)
A group of hackers were able to breach Epic's network and steal source code for pre-released games. These games were leaked online, to the surprise and dismay of developers and gamers alike.