

History of a Thousand-Year Old Castle
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11:46 - 18:33 (06:47)

The castle was built as a defensive structure and has been through a lot including changes to the structure, battles, and ownership. Despite having a long and rich history, the castle was only owned by two families over its thousand-year existence.

The Valley of the Rocks in England is known for its semi-feral Exmoor ponies, present since 700,000 BC and considered hardy due to their adaptations to cold and wet weather as well as their rare breed.
11:46 - 13:24 (01:38)
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Exmoor ponies, feral goats, Valley of the Rocks

The Valley of the Rocks in England is known for its semi-feral Exmoor ponies, present since 700,000 BC and considered hardy due to their adaptations to cold and wet weather as well as their rare breed. The park is also home to feral goats that have not changed since they first arrived and can be seen wandering around.

History of a Thousand-Year Old Castle
103: A Haunted Castle and Afternoon Tea. Exmoor National Park.
National Park After Dark
Dunster Castle, located in Exmoor National Park, has a rich history spanning over a thousand years and has only been owned by two families.
13:24 - 14:58 (01:34)
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Dunster Castle, Exmoor National Park

Dunster Castle, located in Exmoor National Park, has a rich history spanning over a thousand years and has only been owned by two families. It is also known for being one of the oldest and most haunted buildings in the park.

History of a Thousand-Year Old Castle
103: A Haunted Castle and Afternoon Tea. Exmoor National Park.
National Park After Dark
The castle was originally built in the 12th century as a defense against attacks from the sea and coastal road and went through several constructions and ownership changes throughout the 13th century.
14:58 - 18:20 (03:21)
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The castle was originally built in the 12th century as a defense against attacks from the sea and coastal road and went through several constructions and ownership changes throughout the 13th century. William de Moin built the castle in 1066.

History of a Thousand-Year Old Castle
103: A Haunted Castle and Afternoon Tea. Exmoor National Park.
National Park After Dark
In this podcast, the conversation centers around the idea of walking and pondering.
18:20 - 18:33 (00:13)
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Walking, Pondering

In this podcast, the conversation centers around the idea of walking and pondering. The speaker talks about how it can lead to deep thinking and reflection.

History of a Thousand-Year Old Castle
103: A Haunted Castle and Afternoon Tea. Exmoor National Park.
National Park After Dark