
How Pet Psychics Communicate With Your Furry Friends
Pet psychics use electromagnetic energy to communicate with animals and act as a go-between for owners and their pets. They receive responses from the pets and relay them to the owners, making communication between the two possible.
The podcast discusses the different cases that pet psychics handle, such as determining if it's time to euthanize a sick or injured pet, helping find lost pets, and dealing with sudden changes in a pet's behavior.
10:29 - 11:30 (01:01)
The podcast discusses the different cases that pet psychics handle, such as determining if it's time to euthanize a sick or injured pet, helping find lost pets, and dealing with sudden changes in a pet's behavior.
ChapterHow Pet Psychics Communicate With Your Furry Friends
EpisodeSelects: How Pet Psychics Work
PodcastStuff You Should Know
The podcast discusses how pet psychics work with animals by connecting with their energy fields and communicating with them.
11:30 - 14:43 (03:12)
The podcast discusses how pet psychics work with animals by connecting with their energy fields and communicating with them. They also mention a show called The Pet Psychic that aired on Animal Planet a decade ago.
ChapterHow Pet Psychics Communicate With Your Furry Friends
EpisodeSelects: How Pet Psychics Work
PodcastStuff You Should Know
Learn how animal communicators can act as a bridge between you and your furry friend, providing insight into their thoughts and behaviors.
14:43 - 15:38 (00:54)
Learn how animal communicators can act as a bridge between you and your furry friend, providing insight into their thoughts and behaviors.
ChapterHow Pet Psychics Communicate With Your Furry Friends
EpisodeSelects: How Pet Psychics Work
PodcastStuff You Should Know
The existence of electromagnetic energy is not in question, but the sensory ability of people or animals to tune into this energy lacks concrete proof, making the belief in tuning into this energy controversial.
15:39 - 16:11 (00:32)
The existence of electromagnetic energy is not in question, but the sensory ability of people or animals to tune into this energy lacks concrete proof, making the belief in tuning into this energy controversial.