

Ideas for Startups and Changing Corporate Culture
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34:48 - 37:49 (03:01)

The podcast discusses different startup ideas one of which includes a clothing brand for bipolar people to wear; further discussed is the challenge of changing corporate culture quickly and the desire for someone to improve the airline industry with a focus on customer experience.

The speaker discusses his desires for someone to efficiently work with all the unions, airlines, and TSA to make flying more enjoyable.
34:48 - 36:47 (01:58)
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Travel Industry

The speaker discusses his desires for someone to efficiently work with all the unions, airlines, and TSA to make flying more enjoyable. Additionally, he hopes to create a clothing brand for bipolar individuals in the travel industry.

Ideas for Startups and Changing Corporate Culture
Paul English: How He Built And Sold 6 Companies And Why He Believes Irritation Becomes Inspiration
My First Million
The speaker discusses Elon Musk buying Twitter and his leadership style, which includes forcing people back into the office, laying off employees, and attempting to make fast changes.
36:47 - 37:49 (01:02)
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Elon Musk

The speaker discusses Elon Musk buying Twitter and his leadership style, which includes forcing people back into the office, laying off employees, and attempting to make fast changes. The speaker believes that while Musk is known for being eccentric, his behavior at Twitter was obnoxious and unnecessary.

Ideas for Startups and Changing Corporate Culture
Paul English: How He Built And Sold 6 Companies And Why He Believes Irritation Becomes Inspiration
My First Million