

Importance of Maintaining Friendships as You Age
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1:11:53 - 1:17:56 (06:02)

The speaker emphasizes the importance of not losing touch with your friends as you age, especially for men who might think that their friends with kids can't hang out anymore. He encourages people to not count anyone out automatically, and to make an effort to stay in touch and maintain friendships.

Men should strive to maintain close friendships with their male friends even after getting married, divorced or having kids.
1:11:53 - 1:15:15 (03:21)
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Male friendships

Men should strive to maintain close friendships with their male friends even after getting married, divorced or having kids. Avoid counting anyone out automatically or assuming that kids will change everything.

Importance of Maintaining Friendships as You Age
#303 - Chrissie Mayr - All The Big Mistakes Women Make
Modern Wisdom
The speaker talks about how fast food restaurants often give out bags of wet apple slices that contain preservatives to prevent them from turning brown.
1:15:15 - 1:17:56 (02:41)
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Fast Food, Color

The speaker talks about how fast food restaurants often give out bags of wet apple slices that contain preservatives to prevent them from turning brown. They also make an analogy about categorizing people as colors.

Importance of Maintaining Friendships as You Age
#303 - Chrissie Mayr - All The Big Mistakes Women Make
Modern Wisdom