

Importance of Thyroid Hormone for Brain Function
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42:14 - 50:51 (08:36)

Maintaining healthy levels of thyroid hormone is crucial for brain function as 75% of metabolism is from the brain. The administration of drugs or the removal of the thyroid gland can help regulate thyroid hormone levels if necessary.

Keeping thyroid hormone levels healthy is important for brain health and metabolism, as the brain accounts for 75% of metabolism.
42:14 - 45:00 (02:45)
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Thyroid Hormone

Keeping thyroid hormone levels healthy is important for brain health and metabolism, as the brain accounts for 75% of metabolism. Methods such as medication or surgery may be used to regulate thyroid levels if necessary.

Importance of Thyroid Hormone for Brain Function
How to Control Your Metabolism by Thyroid & Growth Hormone
Huberman Lab
This podcast discusses how ketogenic diets can affect thyroid hormone secretion, and how adding carbohydrates back into one's diet may lead to weight gain due to changes in thyroid function.
45:00 - 48:50 (03:50)
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Ketogenic diets

This podcast discusses how ketogenic diets can affect thyroid hormone secretion, and how adding carbohydrates back into one's diet may lead to weight gain due to changes in thyroid function. The speaker also mentions cyclic ketogenic diets and the importance of selenium, tyrosine, and iodine for maintaining healthy levels of thyroid hormones.

Importance of Thyroid Hormone for Brain Function
How to Control Your Metabolism by Thyroid & Growth Hormone
Huberman Lab
Growth hormone is released into the bloodstream where it acts on various tissues including muscles, bones and fats to increase metabolism.
48:50 - 50:51 (02:01)
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Growth Hormone

Growth hormone is released into the bloodstream where it acts on various tissues including muscles, bones and fats to increase metabolism. Its functions and the logic behind its injections are explained.

Importance of Thyroid Hormone for Brain Function
How to Control Your Metabolism by Thyroid & Growth Hormone
Huberman Lab