Poor posture and movement can lead to various physical problems for aging adults such as frozen shoulders, impingements, and mobility issues.
1:17:23 - 1:19:24 (02:01)
Poor posture and movement can lead to various physical problems for aging adults such as frozen shoulders, impingements, and mobility issues. Continuous neglect of maintaining proper posture results in compressing body structure, leading to an uneven trapezoid-shaped body.
ChapterImportance of Using Muscle Mass
Episode#158: The Secrets of Gymnastic Strength Training
PodcastThe Tim Ferriss Show
The easiest physical attribute to build is endurance, which is simply strength repeated over and over at a lower load.
1:19:24 - 1:20:07 (00:42)
The easiest physical attribute to build is endurance, which is simply strength repeated over and over at a lower load. Muscular strength is the easiest one to fix, while mobility will take more time.
ChapterImportance of Using Muscle Mass
Episode#158: The Secrets of Gymnastic Strength Training
PodcastThe Tim Ferriss Show
Inactivity in muscle mass can lead to loss of muscle size and the body starts depositing collagen causing shrinkage.
1:20:07 - 1:21:53 (01:46)
Inactivity in muscle mass can lead to loss of muscle size and the body starts depositing collagen causing shrinkage. This can lead to issues with mobility and hunching over in older adults.