

Incentives and Honeymoon Phases in the News Industry
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10:47 - 16:24 (05:37)

The news industry's incentive is to be crazier and go for clicks, leading to a honeymoon phase where headlines get crazier and dumber in order to generate more traffic.

The incentives in the mainstream media industry are to say crazy and dumb things to get clicks and views, rather than having meaningful conversations about ideas and frameworks.
10:47 - 11:54 (01:07)
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The incentives in the mainstream media industry are to say crazy and dumb things to get clicks and views, rather than having meaningful conversations about ideas and frameworks. However, the speaker, who is a heavy critic of the mainstream media, points out the issue from a loving standpoint.

Incentives and Honeymoon Phases in the News Industry
#257: Anthony Pompliano – Lessons From War, Mark Zuckerberg, & Relentless Consistency
The Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker reflects on his teenage and early twenties years, acknowledging that he did things he didn't necessarily want to do, but recognized they were necessary to get what he wanted.
11:54 - 13:56 (02:02)
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Personal Development

The speaker reflects on his teenage and early twenties years, acknowledging that he did things he didn't necessarily want to do, but recognized they were necessary to get what he wanted. He shares a personal story of renting out a bedroom to achieve financial goals.

Incentives and Honeymoon Phases in the News Industry
#257: Anthony Pompliano – Lessons From War, Mark Zuckerberg, & Relentless Consistency
The Danny Miranda Podcast
The journey to success often requires going through tedious, difficult, and uncomfortable situations that can be unappealing to the average person.
13:56 - 16:24 (02:27)
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The journey to success often requires going through tedious, difficult, and uncomfortable situations that can be unappealing to the average person. Then, there's the added component of dealing with constant online criticism that comes with taking risks and putting yourself out there.

Incentives and Honeymoon Phases in the News Industry
#257: Anthony Pompliano – Lessons From War, Mark Zuckerberg, & Relentless Consistency
The Danny Miranda Podcast