
Increasing Direct Booking for Properties
The aim is to increase direct bookings for properties by having them listed on online travel agencies, which redirects customers to properties' websites through pop-ups and exclusive deals, thereby reducing commission fees levied by these online travel agencies.
Cherry offers a solution for accommodation businesses to increase direct bookings and provide consumers with better travel deals.
04:41 - 07:09 (02:28)
Cherry offers a solution for accommodation businesses to increase direct bookings and provide consumers with better travel deals. With a team comprising of travel and tech experts, Cherry plans to launch their product on mobile for added convenience.
ChapterIncreasing Direct Booking for Properties
EpisodeWe Hosted A "Shark Tank" For Tech Startups | My First Million Demo Day
PodcastMy First Million
A company offers a direct booking solution for hotels to get more bookings through their own website and save the referral fee charged by online travel agencies.
07:09 - 08:43 (01:34)
A company offers a direct booking solution for hotels to get more bookings through their own website and save the referral fee charged by online travel agencies. For a performance fee of $10 a month and 79 cents per click, the hotels can get more direct bookings and offer a discount to the buyers.