
Inspiration and Uplifting Ideas
The speaker hopes to inspire people with crazy ideas to keep going, and suggests signing up for his Friday email with "five bullet Fridays" to share cool things and ponderings with readers. He also shares that many younger people have found it inspiring.
Tim Ferriss sends a weekly email newsletter every Friday where he shares the coolest things he has found or pondered over the week.
2:44:25 - 2:47:58 (03:32)
Tim Ferriss sends a weekly email newsletter every Friday where he shares the coolest things he has found or pondered over the week. The newsletter is meant to inspire people with crazy ideas to keep going and find the gold out there.
ChapterInspiration and Uplifting Ideas
Episode#382: Safi Bahcall — On Hypnosis, Conquering Insomnia, Incentives, and More
PodcastThe Tim Ferriss Show
LinkedIn Jobs is a platform with over 600 million users that helps businesses find the most qualified candidates for their job openings, while also allowing members to add new skills to their profiles and apply to 35 job posts every two seconds.
2:47:58 - 2:48:56 (00:57)
LinkedIn Jobs is a platform with over 600 million users that helps businesses find the most qualified candidates for their job openings, while also allowing members to add new skills to their profiles and apply to 35 job posts every two seconds. Use the promo code "Tim" to get $50 off your first job post.