
Interview with Sarah Walker on Astrobiology and the Origins of Life
This podcast features an interview with Sarah Walker, an astrobiologist and theoretical physicist who is interested in understanding the fundamental nature of life and discovering universal laws that describe living systems. In the podcast, she discusses the origin of life, how to find life on other worlds, and her interdisciplinary approach to investigating these questions.
Sarah Walker, an astrobiologist and theoretical physicist, discusses her research on the origin of life, the search for life on other planets, and the fundamental question of what life is.
00:00 - 01:32 (01:32)
Sarah Walker, an astrobiologist and theoretical physicist, discusses her research on the origin of life, the search for life on other planets, and the fundamental question of what life is. She seeks to use physics, biology, and computation to discover the universal laws that describe living systems on Earth and elsewhere.