
Introduction to Kettlebells and CrossFit
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12:31 - 17:03 (04:32)

The speaker shares his journey to becoming a CrossFit coach and his introduction to kettlebells through the 300 workout. He also mentions his missed opportunity to qualify for regionals but got invited to try a new gym.

The speaker shares about missing Regionals by one spot during 2010 when only 20 people qualified for the event and how it has changed significantly over the years.
12:31 - 13:57 (01:26)
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The speaker shares about missing Regionals by one spot during 2010 when only 20 people qualified for the event and how it has changed significantly over the years.

Introduction to Kettlebells and CrossFit
#006 - Jordan Wallace, Paul Warrior and Tim Briggs - Why Does Fitness Hurt So Much, Is CrossFit Good For Physiques and The Future Of The Fitness Industry
Modern Wisdom
The 2006 movie "300" inspired many viewers to get into fitness, including one person who lost weight and became interested in functional training after watching an interview with Mark Twyfe who played Jim Jones in the film.
13:57 - 14:55 (00:58)
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The 2006 movie "300" inspired many viewers to get into fitness, including one person who lost weight and became interested in functional training after watching an interview with Mark Twyfe who played Jim Jones in the film.

Introduction to Kettlebells and CrossFit
#006 - Jordan Wallace, Paul Warrior and Tim Briggs - Why Does Fitness Hurt So Much, Is CrossFit Good For Physiques and The Future Of The Fitness Industry
Modern Wisdom
The speaker was introduced to a gym by a colleague and was impressed by the workout which pushed him to sign up for a membership the next day.
14:55 - 16:01 (01:05)
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The speaker was introduced to a gym by a colleague and was impressed by the workout which pushed him to sign up for a membership the next day. He then became more involved in the competitor side of the gym and did well in the first-ever open competition.

Introduction to Kettlebells and CrossFit
#006 - Jordan Wallace, Paul Warrior and Tim Briggs - Why Does Fitness Hurt So Much, Is CrossFit Good For Physiques and The Future Of The Fitness Industry
Modern Wisdom
In this episode of The JuggLIFE, Max and Chad discuss how they discovered CrossFit and how Juggernaut came to be through their coaching interests.
16:01 - 17:03 (01:02)
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In this episode of The JuggLIFE, Max and Chad discuss how they discovered CrossFit and how Juggernaut came to be through their coaching interests.

Introduction to Kettlebells and CrossFit
#006 - Jordan Wallace, Paul Warrior and Tim Briggs - Why Does Fitness Hurt So Much, Is CrossFit Good For Physiques and The Future Of The Fitness Industry
Modern Wisdom