This podcast episode discusses the process of fact-checking a story about Henry and Rochelle Ford, which led to reaching out to the Rooney family to corroborate details in the piece.
14:26 - 15:44 (01:17)
This podcast episode discusses the process of fact-checking a story about Henry and Rochelle Ford, which led to reaching out to the Rooney family to corroborate details in the piece. The importance of accuracy in journalism is emphasized.
ChapterInvestigating the NFL's Denial of Brain Injuries
EpisodeEpisode 3: The Quarterback
The episode discusses the legacy of Dan Rooney, who was a pivotal figure in the NFL known for hiring black players and for whom the Rooney rule was named after.
15:44 - 18:12 (02:27)
The episode discusses the legacy of Dan Rooney, who was a pivotal figure in the NFL known for hiring black players and for whom the Rooney rule was named after.
ChapterInvestigating the NFL's Denial of Brain Injuries
EpisodeEpisode 3: The Quarterback
The enthusiasm for the story about Henry Ford, the renowned black NFL quarterback who disappeared off the Steelers seemingly overnight, had devolved into something else.
18:12 - 20:44 (02:32)
The enthusiasm for the story about Henry Ford, the renowned black NFL quarterback who disappeared off the Steelers seemingly overnight, had devolved into something else.