It is harder to find a zero day exploit for iOS than for Android, as Apple patches it quickly, making it a bad investment for exploit brokers.
08:31 - 10:53 (02:22)
It is harder to find a zero day exploit for iOS than for Android, as Apple patches it quickly, making it a bad investment for exploit brokers.
ChapteriOS Zero Day Exploits Easier to Find Than Android's
Episode#266 – Nicole Perlroth: Cybersecurity and the Weapons of Cyberwar
PodcastLex Fridman Podcast
Deep pocketed governments in the Gulf are purchasing zero-day exploits to monitor their own citizens and critics.
10:53 - 13:37 (02:43)
Deep pocketed governments in the Gulf are purchasing zero-day exploits to monitor their own citizens and critics. This has led to individuals unknowingly getting infected with the exploit when visiting Uighur websites.
ChapteriOS Zero Day Exploits Easier to Find Than Android's
Episode#266 – Nicole Perlroth: Cybersecurity and the Weapons of Cyberwar
PodcastLex Fridman Podcast
Zero day exploits are valuable to a number of buyers such as nation states or criminal groups.
13:37 - 18:23 (04:46)
Zero day exploits are valuable to a number of buyers such as nation states or criminal groups. Hackers can make six figures by offering these exploits to contractors and keeping their mouths shut about the transaction.