

Japanese expansion into Taiwan through treaty deals
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1:41:27 - 1:53:24 (11:57)

In the time period of European colonialism, the Japanese made deals to obtain Taiwan without considering the opinions of the Taiwanese people. The West saw China as a wise and culturally significant country, despite Japan's actions towards annexing pieces of China and gaining territorial control.

The podcast host discusses how countries get sucked into the colonial lifestyle as they invest capital in other countries, leading to a dangerous power dynamic and exploitation of local people.
1:41:27 - 1:44:15 (02:47)
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The podcast host discusses how countries get sucked into the colonial lifestyle as they invest capital in other countries, leading to a dangerous power dynamic and exploitation of local people.

Japanese expansion into Taiwan through treaty deals
Show 62 - Supernova in the East I
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Japan emerges as dominant across the board in World War II, with casualties reaching up to 15 to one ratios, gaining respect and prestige on the world stage in the eyes of the Japanese people and the emperor himself.
1:44:14 - 1:50:48 (06:33)
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Japan, World War II

Japan emerges as dominant across the board in World War II, with casualties reaching up to 15 to one ratios, gaining respect and prestige on the world stage in the eyes of the Japanese people and the emperor himself.

Japanese expansion into Taiwan through treaty deals
Show 62 - Supernova in the East I
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
After Japan's war with China, three European nations - France, Germany, and Russia - altered the peace treaty and forced China to pay Japan more money than the original deal called for, leaving Japan in an unfavorable position.
1:50:48 - 1:53:24 (02:36)
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After Japan's war with China, three European nations - France, Germany, and Russia - altered the peace treaty and forced China to pay Japan more money than the original deal called for, leaving Japan in an unfavorable position.

Japanese expansion into Taiwan through treaty deals
Show 62 - Supernova in the East I
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History