
Japan's Compelling Future
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1:16:28 - 1:22:02 (05:34)

The Japanese culture will have a compelling future because of their willingness to fight for their rights and their artistic and spiritual adaptations of historical events such as Kamikaze pilots sacrificing their lives for their country.

The Japanese kamikaze pilots had different motives when they carried out suicide bombings during World War II, but the country's cultural focus on beauty and spirituality has led to a romanticization of their actions over time.
1:16:28 - 1:19:54 (03:26)
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Japanese culture

The Japanese kamikaze pilots had different motives when they carried out suicide bombings during World War II, but the country's cultural focus on beauty and spirituality has led to a romanticization of their actions over time.

Japan's Compelling Future
Show 67 - Supernova in the East VI
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Douglas MacArthur attends a big strategy conference in Hawaii alongside President Franklin Roosevelt, despite his declining health.
1:19:54 - 1:22:02 (02:08)
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Douglas MacArthur

Douglas MacArthur attends a big strategy conference in Hawaii alongside President Franklin Roosevelt, despite his declining health.

Japan's Compelling Future
Show 67 - Supernova in the East VI
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History