The speaker talks about the mystery surrounding the military selection process, including the intimidation of seeing others come back early and the rumors that circulate among those going through it.
34:00 - 34:45 (00:45)
The speaker talks about the mystery surrounding the military selection process, including the intimidation of seeing others come back early and the rumors that circulate among those going through it. The selection process took place at Dwyer Hill, near Ottawa, after traveling from Edmonton, Alberta.
ChapterLength of Military Bootcamp Varies Depending on Year
EpisodeDECLASSIFIED #47 Dallas Alexander - The World's Farthest Sniper Kill / JTF2 Operator
PodcastShawn Ryan Show
The Canadian Armed Forces selection process involves around 30 people in each serial of candidates, with three to four serials running annually.
34:45 - 35:59 (01:14)
The Canadian Armed Forces selection process involves around 30 people in each serial of candidates, with three to four serials running annually. Candidates are subject to psychological testing and a rigorous selection process.